Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Symbol Methodology


     The goal of the symbol methodology project was to create 3 completely unique symbols to describe one word from a list of industries/disciplines given by the teacher. The goal in mind was not only to create something completely unique, but also to make sure it was readable if scaled down to 1".

    I took the word "Manufacturing" and split into 3 sub-categories: technology, creation, and growing. In each of these, i broke them down into 3 more sub-categories. Technology: mechanical, future, electrical. Creation: invention, imagination, evolve. Growing: environmental, psychological, industrial.

    I then took the images and tweaked them on paper until I was satisfied with the symbols. Then, when the final products were created, I scanned the sketches and vectorized them in Adobe Illustrator to create the final 2 sheets (3 options to choose from before the final). The final board is the bottom-most image.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Scavenger Hunt


This project was an Image Methodology assignment. There were several steps to the process including understanding formal elements of color, value, line, shape (or form), pattern, and space. With these concepts in mind, we were to go out and selectively photograph objects/people/places etc that best represented these elements. 
     Next, we were asked to, within our pictures, find elements that connected the pictures. For example if you had an orange and an apple, you could frame them so that shape could visually connect the pictures. As shown, my pictures linked to each other using line, space, color, space,  and shape. I learned a small amount of css to create the background color and name the photos online using TextWrangler. The photos were all edited in Adobe Photoshop.
     The final pictures were put online ( in a slideshow type format that allowed the viewer to scroll across the pictures.